"The Bereavement Ministry is a ministry of Presence - being there for someone."
- Fr. Tim
We hear in the Gospels that Jesus himself wept at the death of his friend Lazarus. Together with Martha and Mary, Jesus uses this life event as an opportunity to show the healing power and hope in the resurrection that He brought to the world. Jesus also teaches us, through his actions, that it is OK to mourn the loss of a loved one and the support of our friends can help us through any difficult time. This ministry is for both those who have lost a loved one, for anyone dealing with the sickness of a loved one, or those looking to support someone in need. The main contact for this ministry is Fr. Tim, please see him or call the parish office 973-786-6631 and ask to speak to him to discuss your participation.
The Martha - Mary - Lazarus Ministry is meant to help us, as a community, be that hope and comfort during the hard times of sickness and death of a loved one.
There are three main components to this ministry.
1. Companions on a Grief Journey- 'This component is made up of seven individual sessions to walk through some of the stages of grief.
2. Assisting at the Funeral Mass- Are you willing to serve as a minister during a funeral Mass at Good Shepherd? Welcome Ministers, Cross Bearers, Adult Altar Servers (since funerals often take place while children are in school), Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers are all important ministries during a funeral liturgy. Anyone interested in taking part or wants to learn more should contact Fr. Tim.
3. Ministry of Presence- In our faith community, no one should grieve alone. We often laugh about bringing food over to someone's home when they are going through a rough time. This is a ministry of presence! It is a sign of support and love for those in need. It can be as simple as providing a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on for someone. If you are interested in supporting families who have suffered a loss or are caring for someone through a sickness, please contact Fr. Tim.