Faith Formation is a partnership between the family and the parish. Parents, as the foremost teachers of their children, are the primary example of how to live the Faith. The weekly celebration of the Eucharist and Word is central to preparing our children for a life full of meaning, purpose and worship of God. Participation in the weekend Eucharist, allows us to shift our focus to God and strengthens us as a community. Attendance at weekly Mass is a requirement for enrollment in the program.
Parents are very important to our program and are encouraged to volunteer as a catechist or co-catechist. We welcome the collaboration of parish and parents, who are the first and principal teachers of their children’s faith, in the Church effort to catechize all children. The success of our Faith Formation program depends on dedicated parents who are willing to give of their time, share their gift of faith and God – given talents with “our” parish children.
As a catechist or co-catechist, you will teach and manage a class of approximately 12 children meeting for approximately one-hour twice a month. The Faith Formation year begins in September and ends in April. Class materials, lessons and support will be provided. Also as a show of appreciation, your Faith Formation registration fee will be waived.
In addition to weekend Mass participation, consistent and grade sequential attendance is also an important component of faith formation. Since we only meet for a limited number of classes, class presence is critical. It is presumed upon enrollment that students will attend all classes. Attendance will be tracked for Mass and class. Families are expected to arrive on time for Mass and children to remain for the entire length of the class.
The attendance policy of one excused absence will be followed and make-up work will be sent home.The make-up assignment will be due the following class. If there are family circumstances that may influence attendance, please communicate this with the Faith Formation Coordinator.
Also, continuity of faith education is integral to embracing the Catholic faith and developing a strong community. It is important that students have uninterrupted grade participation in the faith formation program. Any child that has not had successive grade attendance may be required to have supplemental lessons to ensure a solid foundation in the Catholic faith. In addition, families transferring into the parish will be asked to provide transcripts of their children's faith education enrollment in their previous parish.
SACRAMENTS –Second Grade
The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in November.
The sacrament of First Eucharist is celebrated on the first Saturday in May. First Communicants and their families are assigned times.
Children are eligible to receive the sacrament of First Eucharist if:
† They have completed two consecutive years of religious education.
† They know basic prayers (The Sign of the Cross, the Lord's Prayer, and Hail Mary).
† They attend and participate in the parish Sunday Liturgy.
† They have celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation.
† They have a baptismal certificate on file with the Faith Formation office.
† Parents are involved with preparation for First Eucharist and attend the mandatory parent- meeting.