The Sacrament of Reconciliation is readily available to anyone who would like to receive it. A priest will be available for confessions starting at 4:00 PM prior to the 5:00 PM Saturday evening Mass, during or after special communal celebrations (especially during Lent), and always by appointment. Call the Parish Office if you would like to set up an appointment with one of our priests.
First Reconciliation Preparation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession/Penance) is celebrated for the first time in the second grade after completion of two years of Religious Education. Students already must have received the Sacrament of Baptism. A copy of the Baptism Certificate must be on file in the Religious Education Office.
Preparation for First Reconciliation begins in the fall of second grade. Upon exhibiting readiness, the student will receive the sacrament at an assigned time on a Saturday in November.
For further information, contact the Religious Education office (973) 786-6415.